News from KFO

Jun 17, 2020

Smartphone Orienteering now at Pittencrief Park, Dunfermline

KFO's first Smartphone Orienteering Course has gone live at Pittencrief Park


Category: General

According to the SO site, "MapRun is an app which allows you to use your smartphone to enjoy orienteering without needing to set up physical control points on the ground. There are now MapRun courses set up all across Scotland which you can go and run right now, with more new ones being added all the time.

Using MapRun, you can run an orienteering course using either the map on your phone screen or a paper version; the only difference from a “traditional” course is that there are no physical markers on the ground. Instead, the phone tracks your location as you run and vibrates or buzzes to confirm when you’ve reached each control point on the course."

Further details of how to try your first run are also given there, along with details of all map run courses in Scotland